AfricTivistes Citizen Lab Benin Magazine #2

AfricTivistes Citizen Lab Benin Magazine #2

This newly released issue celebrates a committed Beninese youth engaged in the issues of democracy, human rights, and digital innovation for effective civic participation.

The faces of this dynamic youth include Pamela AKPLOGAN, Head of the Youth, Sports, and Citizenship Unit of the OIF. Recognizing her inspiring journey, this edition highlights her significant actions in promoting education, employment, and the empowerment of youth and women through Francophonie.

ACLB Magazine also highlights the Menu of Possible Commitments of the Youth and Democracy Cohort, exploring initiatives and recommendations for a solid democratic future. This collective work is the result of the hard work of the AfricTivistes CitizenLab Benin (ACLB), which brings together 15 young people from diverse backgrounds, all resolutely dedicated to promoting participatory democracy in Benin.

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