AfricTivistes releases white paper on presidential terms’ limit

AfricTivistes releases white paper on presidential terms’ limit

04 juin, 2024

AfricTivistes publishes a white paper on presidential term limits following the  documentary film ‘Senegal: One Presidency, Two Terms” highlighting the detrimental consequences of non-compliance with the Constitution and the limitation of presidential terms in a bid to firmly anchor this rule in the Senegalese political culture.

‘Limitation du Mandat Présidentiel : Défis et Perspectives (Presidential Terms’ Limit: Challenges and Perspectives) is the title of the white paper by AfricTivistes in response to the democratic decline observed in Senegal over the last decade.

In Africa, the quest for a third presidential term leads inevitably to crisis and populations have often paid the price. As a response to this, this book intends to consolidate the democratic gains, by thoroughly examining the arguments for and against term limits, and by highlighting the democratic, legal and social implications of this issue.

“This is a contribution from AfricTivistes and Senegalese civil society for all those interested in the consolidation of democracy in Senegal and Africa,” says Cheikh Fall, President of AfricTivistes in the foreword to the document.

Presidential Terms’ Limit: Challenges and Perspectives draws up recommendations to address the instability that can result from non-compliance with the Constitution and, in particular, the non-limitation of presidential terms. It underlines the importance of a genuine commitment from political actors and a strong democratic culture. It aims to raise awareness among citizens and political actors on the importance of term limits and to promote a constructive debate on best practices to ensure transparent and accountable governance.

The Senegal: One Presidency, Two Terms project initiated by AfricTivistes aims to raise awareness among citizens on the need to preserve democratic values and respect the limitation of presidential mandates to two in Senegal, making it a national and regional cause that engages all the societal active forces and actors committed to the democratic cause.

It can be recalled that in addition to a film production followed by a workshop, this project includes, among other things, legal monitoring on the independence of the judiciary, individual and collective freedoms, the shrinking civic space, a communication campaign on democratic values and a citizen forum on respect for presidential term limits.

Download the White Paper : 

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