Call for Applications to Strengthen Citizen Participation through Digital Technologies and Civic Engagement in West and Central Africa

Call for Applications to Strengthen Citizen Participation through Digital Technologies and Civic Engagement in West and Central Africa

Context and Presentation

In recent years in Africa, the decline of democratic governance—particularly the shrinking of civic space, digital surveillance, and the increasing spread of misinformation—has profoundly impacted the political landscape. The rise of military regimes and the use of social media as a vector of manipulation have exacerbated the divide between populations and public authorities, while civil society strives to engage in public life through civic engagement.

In this context, AfricTivistes is expanding its network of CitizenLabs across the continent by implementing specific activities focused on civic engagement and civic technology. Already operational in three countries (Mauritania, Benin, and Madagascar), the CitizenLabs are hubs of innovation and citizen participation aimed at supporting and equipping African civil society actors through training, tool development, and support for innovation and co-creation.

The organisation is launching a call for applications for the establishment of four new CitizenLabs that will serve as spaces for innovation and civic participation in Senegal, Cameroon, Guinea, and Chad. These four new citizen think tanks will fall into two categories:

  • In Guinea and Senegal laboratories focused on creating digital solutions.
  • In Cameroon and Chad spaces for content production and promotion of civic participation.

For each of these, AfricTivistes is inviting applications to form teams for these co-construction spaces.

Presentation of the CitizenLabs

AfricTivistes CitizenLab is a programme aimed at accelerating participatory engagement among youth. The programme also serves as a hub for innovation, value-added content production, and advocacy, relying on digital projects dedicated to democracy.

As an integral part of AfricTivistes’ Innovation and Civic Participation pillar, this initiative aims to promote participatory democracy in response to the needs expressed by young people and civil society organisations. It provides tools and approaches that encourage youth engagement while bridging the gap between civil society actors and public administration.

The programme is implemented by AfricTivistes, with the involvement of the AfricTivistes network in the targeted countries, civil society organisations, and media professionals, supported by an access to information policy.

Who Can Join the CitizenLabs?

Are you a professional journalist, citizen journalist, blogger, computer scientist, data scientist, full-stack developer, designer, cameraman, multimedia specialist, community manager, or graphic designer? Join AfricTivistes and become part of a pan-African community of change-makers.

Selected candidates will receive training on digital activism, civic leadership, and technological development.

This programme targets:

  • Individuals aged 18 to 35
  • Residents of one of the four target countries
  • Those passionate about technology and civic engagement

Particular attention will be given to female applicants.

Number of Available Places

40 places, with 10 places per country to form the CitizenLabs.

How to Apply?

Interested candidates should submit their application by filling out the online form.

To apply, click on the following links:

CitizenLabs Central Africa

CitizenLabs West Africa

Application Deadline: 11 April 2025

Beyond the CitizenLabs, the pan-African network will also roll out other initiatives to foster innovation and advocate for digital rights: a regional hackathon, a grant fund, and national and regional advocacy campaigns to protect digital rights.

These activities are part of the Digitalise Youth project, which aims to promote civic engagement among youth, encourage innovation and the development of technological solutions, and strengthen the digital resilience of young activists in 14 countries across the Sahel and neighbouring regions: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Ethiopia, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan  and Togo.

For any further information, please email:

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