Researchers diagnose the decline of democracy in Africa

Researchers diagnose the decline of democracy in Africa

Following the publication of the Observatoire AfricTivistes de la Démocratie book, AfricTivistes organised  a webinar on Tuesday, 8 February, to share the findings of the research conducted within this framework. The event provided an opportunity to assess the state of democracy, make recommendations, and outline perspectives in response to challenges related to the non-limitation of presidential terms in Africa.

Under the theme “X-ray of Democracy in Africa,” the first part of the webinar presented the Observatoire AfricTivistes 2024 publication. Dr Adama Sadio, AfricTivistes’ research officer and coordinator of the Observatory, introduced the book, which is the culmination of a project launched in 2023 and the result of contributions from 18 African researchers.

“The crisis of democracy and the questioning of its principles are key factors that led to the establishment of a research-action framework on participatory democracy and good governance,” stated Adama Sadio, project coordinator, before continuing: “The Observatory is evidence of the intellectual diversity on the continent, with 18 researchers from various countries who share a common goal: to conduct an in-depth analysis of democracy on the continent.”

Six themes, multiple approaches

During the presentation of their research methodology for the study titled “Hyper-Presidentialism vs. Strengthening the Separation of Powers: What Responses for Democracy?”, Dr Papa Fara Diallo from Senegal explained that his team, comprising three researchers, conducted an analysis of the constitutions of 21 African countries. They also carried out 20 qualitative surveys with key democratic actors via collaborative platforms and conducted a literature review on hyper-presidentialism in Africa.

Read their full study:

Speaking on behalf of his team, which worked on the topic “Discourses Legitimising Third Presidential Terms in West Africa: Between Manipulation and Renunciation,” Dr Moussa Diène, a researcher at the University of Ottawa, stated that his colleague, Mamadou Dramé, a professor of literature, conducted both documentary and media research, supplemented by interviews with 20 political actors in Senegal (politicians, researchers, civil society actors, journalists, legal experts, etc.).

“Media resources have been of great help to us. They largely demonstrate the vibrancy of the debate on third terms and the increasing public awareness,” said Moussa Diène.

Read their full study:

Sandrine Voufo Tiwoda, who conducted the study “State of Democracy in Africa: Constitutional and Unconstitutional Regime Changes from 2000 to 2003”, explained that she adopted an approach structured around several axes, including a regional perspective (both geographical and linguistic). Her work also included a scientific literature review to ensure thematic representativeness, as well as 10 survey interviews, 9 of which were conducted in Cameroon. She also interviewed political figures in Cameroon, Ghana, and Mali.

“We aimed for a study that was representative both geographically and thematically,” she said.

Read her full study:

The trio comprising Dr Roland Mulumba, Dr Carlos Toe, and Mouhamed Daouda Diop conducted an in-depth study on civil society’s strategies in Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Senegal, focusing on assessing the participation of women and youth in response to abusive regimes. As part of this study, they conducted 40 interviews with members of the Catholic Church as well as activists from the Lucha and Filimbi movements. In parallel with these interviews, a literature review was carried out to shed light on civil society struggles in these three countries.

Read their full study:

The research topic “Impacts and Consequences of the Non-Limitation of Presidential Terms on Socio-Economic Well-Being in Africa” was led by a team represented by Assia Iboudo. Comprising three female researchers from Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, and Burkina Faso, this team undertook a thorough methodological approach. They conducted documentation through the review of scientific reports, attended expert-led discussions on the subject, and identified key resource persons. Their expertise spans sociology, political science, law, and economics.

Read their full study:

Researchers, within their respective fields of expertise, have put forward relevant and complementary recommendations to halt the democratic backsliding observed on the continent:

  1. Limit presidential terms: the principle of limiting mandates to two fixed five-year terms as enshrined in the constitutions of some African states  ;
  1. Strengthen democratic institutions: Establish and reinforce independent institutions involved in electoral processes;
  1. Educate and train: Develop a sense of responsibility and leadership among politicians and civil society;
  1. Promote civic education and political socialisation: Implement civic education and political socialisation programmes to cultivate engaged citizens aware of their rights and responsibilities in the democratic process;
  1. Establishing a High Continental Court…

“AfricTivistes’ role in training and democratising information is exemplary and demonstrates the vitality of African civil society,” stated Pape Fara Diallo.

This webinar is part of the awareness-raising actions undertaken within this project, supported by the National Democratic Institute. Last December, AfricTivistes launched the documentary film “Victory of Democracy: Lessons from Senegal,” which examines Senegal’s democratic resilience in the face of political challenges and social tensions. This film was accompanied by an online campaign with similar objectives.

As the final component of the Observatoire de la Démocratie 2024, this webinar illustrates AfricTivistes’ commitment to promoting democratic governance across the continent.

To learn more about the Observatoire AfricTivistes de la Démocratie 2024, explore the useful links below:

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